Thursday, March 20, 2008

Wiki Wisdom: Literature Circle

I just started a wiki for my advanced reading group of 15 kids. We are reading two companion books to The Giver by Lois Lowry, Messenger and Gathering Blue. Kids are working in groups of 2-4 to read and discuss the book. Instead of doing comprehension questions on worksheets, kids are answering questions (including many open-ended questions) on the wiki. Additionally, I’ve required kids to respond to at least two of their peers’ comments. This has given me the opportunity to teach kids about how to respond to someone online. We talked about being respectful with our words. I sent a permission slip to parents explaining the project.

NUTS and BOLTS (How to Set it Up):
1. Go to and create an account.
2. Read the online guide to set up. It is extremely helpful.
3. Email the list of kids and passwords to and they will set up your kids’ accounts.
4. Type "practice" questions in the discussions piece of the home page. It is helpful to kids.
5. Go over procedures and expectations BEFORE kids start.
6. Give each kid a folder. Include directions for how to get on the wiki, including username and password, and spiral notebook to write down online questions to take back and discuss with the group if needed.

LESSONS LEARNED (thus far...):
1. Small groups work best.
2. When kids respond to others comments, does not show the response. Instead, it is sent directly to the student.
3. Not a good idea to be "notified" via email when a kid makes a comment. I received 55 emails in one lesson!
4. Instead, print out a "feed" of the discussions for each question. This shows who said what. I’m planning to keep track of questions answered.
5. Make sure each kid has their own book to read.
6. Remind myself I am still learning how to use it, too.

After class, I asked kids how they felt about answering online versus pencil/paper. Overwhelmingly, kids preferred the online method - but maybe that’s just because it is new.

I’m very interested in getting one started with our pen pals at Madrona.


Camille@ECORS said...


I'm curious, did the kids say why they preferred the online method?


Michael Kenyon said...

Now that is something worth looking into. Your description is excellent. Maybe include a podcast also.

Unknown said...


I would be interested in doing a cross-age videoconference lesson with any one of your classes. Last year my first graders presented to a high school biology class. it would be fun to do that again with students who are closer in age.